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Caring Homecare -Your trusted source for caring compassionate home health care

About Caring Home care


My name is Lisa May and I have worked in home health for 9 years and I started this business to provide the best possible care to elderly clients across the region. My goal is to assist clients to stay in their homes or with loved ones and keeping their independence as long as possible. I have attended seminars for Alzheimer's care and memory activity planning. Alzheimer's clients are close to my heart because both my grandparents had dementia and it is debilitating to the person and family as well. Keeping elders active is the most important part of keeping elders healthy. It is proven that keeping your mind stimulated slows the effects of dementia.


A care plan is put in place to stimulate and enhance the life of each client. Every client is interviewed and from those questions I draw up a care plan for that person. Each client receives a special care plan that is designed to enhance their life with stimulating activities for the mind, body, and soul.


I provide all activities of daily living services as follows:


>  Transfers

>  Meal preparation

>  Medication management

>  Gastrointestinal feeding

>  Laundry, light housekeeping

>  Hygiene, bathing

>  Wound care

>  Hoyer lift transfers

>  Enriching activities

>  Appropriate exercises

>  Foley catheter care

>  Community involvement







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